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Account Generator

Daily Trial Subscription
Daily Trial Subscription
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Are you unsure how CryoGen works and what it offers?

What are you buying?

You are buying a subscription license to our premium generator discord server. After your purchase, you will be invited to our discord server where you can start generating your accounts right away!

What can I generate?

Our generator offers cracked accounts from over 40 popular websites such as Netflix, NordVPN, Valorant, Spotify and many more! All of these accounts have premium subscriptions!

How can I login to the accounts?

To generate an account you simply type /gen 'name' afterwards you will receive a DM from our discord bot with a login information in format login:password. Simply login and enjoy the account's benefits!

Do I have to pay anything extra?

No! After you purchase your license you can generate all accounts we offer completely for free! You can even get a reseller license and start your own alts store!